Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hey everyone. School is over and i never have to go back to middle school! I tried out for the cheer squad before we got out at my high school and made JV, so I'm looking forward to practice this summer. besides the cruise, Cissy and I are going to girl's camp in June, which I'm super excited for! That's about it.

;D Kj


Unknown said...


I'm so proud of you and your accomplishments.

I think you could go to any university you want - I think you should go to Stanford - You're a western lady just like Sandra Day O'Connor.

Congrats - We think about you often and are so proud.


Unknown said...


I can't tell how proud it makes me feel to know that you and KJ made honor society - and that KJ inducted you.

Keep up your great work - Like I told KJ you two can go to any university you want - I like Stanford

Glad to hear you are well uti's can be a bear.

We love you!

Darrell said...

Well done Kjirsten. BYU is the place for you girl...don't let anyone tell you otherwise because they would be WRONG!!!! (unless it's your parents)We are very very proud of what you have done and all that you have accomplished but we are most proud of the wonderful example you are of what a good LDS girl should be.

**brighteyes** said...

KJ! you really should join me at BYU! you could go to school with all of your family!