Friday, May 23, 2008

I have an update on Cicely's health. For those of you who don't know; Cicely had a UTI (urinary tract infection) about a month ago which did not respond to treatment and her kidneys started to swell and the right kidney stopped working. Last week the doctors had no answers so we gave her a blessing and made an appointment with a pediatric urology specialist. We saw the specialist yesterday and found that her infection is responding to the crazy-expensive medicine she just started. So, she should be fine and she is looking and feeling great. We are going to go ahead with the cruise on Monday. Thanks to you all for your prayers...and don't feel bad if you didn't get a call. This info seeped out, we didn't call people and tell them. I have a feeling it started with one of the 17 daily calls between Bonnie and Amy.

Kyle had an end-of-year party last night. I’m still convinced he’s 6. But, I guess all his friends are too. Everyone was load, awkward, and unsure of themselves. It was painful to watch. At least they didn’t play video games all night. The swimming looked fun since it started to rain aggressively.

The middle school had a promotion celebration for the 8th grade. This is where the school celebrates that fact that so many of their students are not going to graduate high school so they had better throw a party now. I hate the celebration of mediocrity, so I didn’t attend. Amy went and got some video and developed a deeper disdain for the school. Kjirsten is one of four 8th grade students who scored all A’s all year. She is the president of the National Junior Honor Society chapter at her school. She skipped the last grade and became a leader in her new grade. KJ also earned the highest AIMS (standardized test by which schools are graded in Arizona) test score for her school. She also won the Math Moves You national scholarship which provides a scholarship for KJ’s college years and a $1,000 scholarship for her school. The school never mentioned the award or even thanked KJ. I expect a little recognition from the school and I’m sure KJ does as well; although she will just blow it off like she doesn’t care. To get back on track, at the promotion, several students received awards for such things as academic excellence in science, etc. I realize you want to encourage struggling students, but at some point you have to recognize those who consistently work so hard and achieve. Our whole society seems to be spiraling into a love of underachievement. Eventually, achievers will lose their spark when the carrot is removed and they have nothing to chase. When income is taxed at 70% and C students are rewarded who will build and drive the country? I suspect KJ will regardless.

On a lighter note, Alycia had a promotion celebration at her elementary school since she will be attending the loser middle school next year. She had a great school year and she was pushed by her teacher to do better than she thought she could. I think Aly is setup nicely for middle school thanks to a teacher with expectation. Aly and I spent a day and night on the Star of India sail ship in San Diego. He school class had a field trip and I tagged along as a “chaperone”. We had a lot of fun and not a lot of sleep. Aly and I will always remember hearing the cry of the whales just off starboard—these were actually cars driving by at night. But, we were salty, mangy sailors that day.

Tanner’s baseball is almost done. He has 2 more games in the tourney. Amy gave Tman a Mohawk. He looks his best in a Mohawk. He spent the whole evening hanging with the high school crowd and I think he enjoyed it. I know Kyle female friends love having T around.

Amy and I are thinking we may get a nice date this weekend since the baptism was postponed until Sunday. Amy took the girls to get pedis and manis last night while I had to stay home and watch the teenagers act stupid. Actually, I just folded laundry and shopped for guitars on ebay.

Thanks again for your prayers and concern for Cicy.


Ben said...

Glad to hear Cice is doing so well.

Cicely said...

dad, thatnks a lot 4 telling the whole world about my deathly disease. because of that i am gonna tell every1 in the whole world that u have luchemia!!

Elliot Collins said...

Well, than I'll tell everyone about uncle Dan's secret infection of Trichomoniasis.

Sorry, Dan.

Which Dan though?

**brighteyes** said...

dont worry dad,i think that kyle still acts like a six year too! even though he is almost 16!

Darrell said...

We are so happy to hear the Cicely is OK. Those URIs can be a bummer!!
There were a lot of Utah prayers said for her.

Darrell said...

What exactly is luchemia.

Unknown said...

Luchemia is a rare mental disorder where the patient believes everything is edible. So Dad often tries to eat things that are not edible, including small children. We often have to tell him to put Tanner down during dinner, that the food is on the other side of the kitchen.Dad wants to keep it a secret,but it's about time everyone knew.