Saturday, December 27, 2008

I’m sure everyone can tell that KJ is growing up fast now. I know it seems that she is now 14 going on …college; but a look at where she spends her time and effort helps to understand what she is really about. As she turns 14, the things that are most important to her are now her young women’s program, seminary, school, cheer, and her family. She spends 99% of her waking time on church, school, cheer, and family activities; and that is not an exaggeration. When she was 10, the things that were most important to her where school, family, church, cheer, violin, and playing with friends and fam. So, you can see that she has really not changed too much. She just stopped playing with friends and her violin. She really misses the violin and begs us to take lessons. But, we ask “when would you like to take lessons?” This brings up another change in KJ’s life. She is the busiest kid I know. Her big brother is very busy, but she has him beat. Her daily schedule is something like this:
4:50 – get ready for school
5:45 – go to seminary
6:45 – go to school
3:20 – school is out, go to cheer practice
6:30 – cheer practice ends, go to mutual or cheer for a game
9:00 – do homework, read scriptures
11:00 – go to bed

KJ is our sleeper. I’m not sure if it has to do with her lack of sleep during the week, but she can really sleep in. I have a little cold, so I took some medicine the other night and slept until 9 AM. I got up and joked that I had pulled a KJ. But, she was still asleep for another hour. So, in that small way, she is a true teenager.

KJ is not really infatuated with boys yet. I’m happy to report that yesterday I asked her to name her 5 favorite boys; she responded with Dad, Kyle, Tanner…she then paused. This is where I was waiting for the name of some boy at church or school. I was mistaken. She continued with the names of her male cousins; who are all 10 and under.

Kj is, however, very excited for the stake dances. She has her first dance this Wednesday. She’s lucky to be going with her big brother.

KJ has developed a special relationship with Kyle that will likely carry through to adulthood. While her attitudes and activities advance in maturity, she’s becoming a wonderful little lady. I’ve noticed that Amy and I are starting to treat her more like an adult as each day passes. I honestly don’t remember that last time we corrected KJ. She is a smart, focused, driven, sweet, tender, principled young woman who is guided more by her testimony of the Savior and the Restored Gospel than by any other thing.

The most telling thing I can say about KJ is that she has many pieces of knowledge to learn in this life, but she is wiser than nearly every adult I have ever known.

Happy Birthday Kjirsten.


Gabby said...

Happy Birthday Kjirsten! Your Utah family loves you too!

All for J's said...

Well said! We love you Kjirsten, we are so proud of you!!

Cieslak Family said...

Happy Birthday Kjirsten! You have grown up! You're beautiful! I know how you can fit violin lessons in... Move to Utah and have in-school seminary, then you'll have time for lessons. What do you say?

**brighteyes** said...

It was kind of funny the other day when that guy asked us if we were triplets because Kjirsten in 14 and i am 11!

Cieslak Family said...

Happy Birthday yesterday Amy! We hope you had a good one.