Saturday, July 19, 2008

No, I'm not insane

As some of you may already know, Elliot and I have decided to home school our children this year through an online program. We came to this decision after much prayer and thought and discussion with school administrators and, of course, the kids. We started thinking about this option after a few incidents regarding the schools and came to the conclusion that this will be the best path for our children at this time. At the end of the year, we will reassess the situation and decide where to go from there. I'm excited to work with my kids this year and I hope this turns out to be a good bonding experience for us all. I'm not stupid and I realize this will be A LOT of work but I'm positive that together we can accomplish anything. Kyle will still continue to play on the JV football team for the high school and KJ will continue to cheer for JV also. Arizona has a state law the mandates the local schools must let all home schooled kids participate in all the extra-curricular activities, as long as they make the cut(which Kyle and KJ already have done). So as long as I keep them active in outside activities and sporting programs, I'm not particularly worried about them missing out on any socializing. Besides, we all know that Elliot is a social butterfly and all the kids seem to be taking after him. Also, I hope that everyone realized that the picture of Alycia is her faced super-imposed on Queen Amidala, Tucson hasn't changed our values that much.


All for J's said...

Amy n El, We are excited to hear of your latest decision to home school your children. Believe us when we say we wish we could do the same. You have done an excellent job with your family and we look forward to hearing of their progress. Thanks for clearing up the confusion about Lee she's pic, *wink**wink* Love you! Jen n fam

The Hayes Family said...

You are my HERO! I have been thinking about doing that ever since I sent Conner to kindergarten! I just haven't had the guts to take the plunge! You are amazing and I know you will do a great job! Best of luck! Keep me posted! Love Jessica

**brighteyes** said...

i wish that more of you would go on my blog! Did anyone really think that pic of me holding the gun was really me? i am not THAT grown up! i promise! what does *wink**wink* mean?

Unknown said...

good for you guy - look forward to hearing how it is going